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Voter Issues in 2024
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The Voter's Wish List Report

The 2024 Presidential Election marks an important milestone in the American political landscape. As we inch closer to the decisive year, the voters, candidates and political pundits are fervently discussing what the electorate cares about and the shift in voter sentiment. High amid the clamor of opinions and analyses, a term frequently reemerges: “The Presidential Election: What voters care about.”

Indeed, understanding this complex matrix of concerns and desires forms the crucial foundation of any successful presidential campaign. Aspiring candidates in the 2024 election cannot afford to ignore this, and neither can the public if they seek a candidate that genuinely represents their interests.

However, the volatile nature of our times, the shifting societal attitudes and the unprecedented challenges that face us call for radical new thinking for a changing world. LoveShift, a term that signifies this shift in sentiment towards greater compassion and understanding, stands as a beacon in these times, guiding our visions and actions.

But what does LoveShift mean in the context of the 2024 Presidential Election? And how does this tie into the concerns of voters?

The candidates for 2024 - both declared and potential - hail from diverse backgrounds, each with their unique perspectives and solutions. Understanding their platforms and visions is key to aligning them with the broader sentiments of voters.

In order to do this, we first need to understand what American voters are looking for in their next President. The mood amongst the voters reflects a sense of urgency, desire for innovation, and a craving for authenticity.

People are scared and confused. The COVID-19 pandemic, economic uncertainty, and social unrest have deeply affected every aspect of American life. In this context, the voters seek a leader who offers stability, a clear strategic vision, and the ability to navigate the complexities of our times.

Concerns about climate change, income inequality, healthcare, more equitable representation, and the future of work dominate the voters’ minds. They are looking for innovations in policy, governance, and leadership that reflect these concerns and can effectively address them.

In the search for solutions, voters seek a President who can help America transition into a post-pandemic world, guided by the principles of love, empathy, and inclusivity. They also recognize that finding a successful, new political solution in such times is no easy task.

Here are 50 innovative ideas, initiatives, and inventions that, if embraced by 2024 Presidential candidates, could resonate with voters and potentially sway the election.

Introduce a nationwide broadband infrastructure plan to bridge the digital divide, a gap that has widened during the pandemic.

Propose a universal healthcare plan that innovatively merges public and private resources, making healthcare accessible and financially manageable for all.

Advocate for major innovations in education, like nation-wide free online courses and training programs, designed to meet the demands of our rapidly evolving technological world.

Establish a cabinet-level Department of Climate Change tasked with spearheading sustainability projects, reducing carbon emissions and transitioning to renewable energy.

Create a democratically-developed citizens’ bill of rights to the internet and personal data privacy.

Advocate for a shift towards value-based politics, favoring policies that promote inclusivity, equality and social wellbeing over partisan considerations.

Convene a national council on racial equity, designed to spearhead initiatives aimed at eliminating systemic racism and fostering inclusivity.

Propose a Universal Basic Income (UBI) as a safety net for transitions during economic downturns, leveraging blockchain technology to eradicate fraud and ensure transparency.

Advocate for the decriminalization and regulation of recreational drugs to reduce drug-related violence and abuse while providing support through community wellness centers.

Organize regular national virtual town halls, making the President more accessible to the public and creating a real dialogue between the elected and electorates.

Develop a comprehensive plan to support small local businesses by lowering entry barriers and providing support systems such as easy access to start-up funds and mentoring services.

Advocate the development of smart cities, focusing on sustainable growth with technology-based solutions for transportation, energy, healthcare, and education.

Explore the regulation and promotion of cryptocurrencies, recognizing their rising importance in the global financial fabric.

Launch a nationwide initiative to make local food production accessible and encourage sustainable practices.

Spearhead the development and implementation of Artificial Intelligence and automation systems to revolutionize public services and provide efficient citizen experiences.

Develop a comprehensive federal cybersecurity strategy to protect American systems and users from cyberattacks.

Emphasize the need for both physical and mental health to be covered under health insurance.

Shift towards a diplomacy-first foreign policy, emphasizing the importance of collaboration and understanding in the globalized world.

Advocate for prison reform, shifting focus toward rehabilitation and successful reintegration into society and lowering recidivism rates.

Prioritize gender equality by implementing equal wage legislations, promoting women’s representation in governance and politics, and addressing gender-based violence.

Advocate for the restructuring of the educational curriculum to incorporate critical thinking, financial literacy, health education, and digital literacy as core subjects.

Propose an immigrant integration plan to foster cultural exchange, economic contributions, and legal justice.

Establish national emotional resilience and mental health programs in schools.

Implement policies promoting worker rights in the gig economy, ensuring labor rights, and proper wages.

Promote science and data-led decision-making in governance to ensure effective and rational policy-making.

Prioritize mental health by diversifying and increasing accessible mental healthcare options and normalizing mental health discussions.

Establish an online hub for government initiatives allowing citizens to track the progress of policy implementation.

Create legislation recognizing and combatting online harassment and cybercrime.

Develop policies aimed at affordable housing for all, taking innovative measures to balance urban development and preservation of public spaces.

Implement national recycling and waste reduction programs aimed at reducing pollution and promoting a sustainable lifestyle.

Create neighborhood watch apps that will allow communities to self-police and monitor in a bid to reduce crime rates.

Develop policies ensuring equal representation of minorities at all levels of government and in decision making.

Innovate in energy policy by encouraging household generation and local storage of renewable energy, thereby creating energy independence and resistance to grid failures.

Finally, propose legislation to limit campaign spending, thereby leveling the playing field, reducing the influence of money in politics, and making democracy more accessible.

As such, the landscape for the 2024 Presidential Election is not without its challenges. However, armed with radical new thinking for a changing world and a dedication to LoveShift, we could be entering an exciting era of political reformation. The effectiveness of these solutions will depend on candidates embracing them fully and demonstrating their sincerity and capability to voters. We are at a crucial juncture where we need a leader who will take us into a new age of prosperity, peace, and unity.

100 Issues Areas

Here is a list of 100 issues voters may care about in the 2024 election for President, along with the qualities they may desire in the next president:

1. Economy and job growth

2. Income inequality

3. Healthcare access and affordability

4. Climate change and environmental policies

5. Education reform and funding

6. Criminal justice reform

7. Immigration policies and border security

8. National security and defense

9. Infrastructure investment and modernization

10. Tax reform and fairness

11. Racial equity and social justice

12. Foreign policy and international relations

13. Gun control and Second Amendment rights

14. Political corruption and campaign finance reform

15. Technology regulation and privacy rights

16. Social safety nets and welfare programs

17. Drug pricing and pharmaceutical industry regulation

18. LGBTQ+ rights and equality

19. Veterans' issues and support

20. Diplomacy and peace building efforts

21. Affordable housing and housing market reforms

22. Equal pay and gender equality

23. Internet neutrality and access

24. Mental health support and awareness

25. Election integrity and voting rights

26. Science-based policies and research funding

27. Agricultural sustainability and GMO concerns

28. Disability rights and accommodations

29. Income tax rates and brackets

30. Immigration reform and pathways to citizenship

31. Public transportation and urban development

32. Affordable childcare and parental leave policies

33. Poverty alleviation and welfare system reforms

34. Net neutrality and internet freedom

35. Corporate accountability and regulation

36. Artificial intelligence and automation impact

37. Native American rights and sovereignty

38. Government transparency and accountability

39. Trade policies and protectionism

40. Social security system sustainability

41. Personal data protection and privacy laws

42. Drug decriminalization and harm reduction

43. Telecommunications industry regulation

44. Cybersecurity and digital threats

45. Energy independence and renewable energy investments

46. Campaign finance reform and lobbying restrictions

47. Space exploration and NASA funding

48. Urban revitalization and affordable housing plans

49. International development and aid programs

50. Foster care system and child welfare reforms

51. Nuclear disarmament and non-proliferation efforts

52. Small business support and entrepreneurship

53. Social media regulation and online harassment prevention

54. Healthcare system transparency and cost control

55. Federal budget deficit reduction

56. Public lands conservation and access

57. Electoral college reform and popular vote considerations

58. Digital divide and broadband expansion

59. Student loan debt relief and reform

60. Ethical use of artificial intelligence

61. Genetic privacy and biotechnology regulation

62. Mental healthcare parity and access

63. Censorship and freedom of speech protection

64. Prison reform and rehabilitation initiatives

65. Income mobility and class disparities

66. Voting rights restoration for ex-convicts

67. Nuclear energy development and safety regulations

68. Cyberbullying prevention and online safety education

69. Combating domestic terrorism and extremism

70. Patent reform and intellectual property protection

71. Animal rights and animal welfare legislation

72. Arts and culture funding and support

73. Early childhood education and kindergarten access

74. Reproductive rights and access to contraception

75. Government surveillance and privacy invasion

76. Space exploration and colonization ambitions

77. Income tax deductions and loopholes closure

78. Affordable higher education and college tuition reform

79. Gender pay gap reduction and transparency measures

80. Renewable energy research and development

81. Religious freedom and separation of church and state

82. Nuclear energy phase-out and renewable transition plan

83. Online voting security and accessibility

84. National parks preservation and funding

85. Fair trade agreements and workers' rights

86. Industrial pollution reduction and regulations

87. Transparency in government contracting and procurement

88. AI ethics regulations and accountability standards

89. Violence against women prevention and support

90. Worker protections and unionization rights

91. Holocaust education and anti-Semitism combat

92. Property rights and eminent domain reform

93. Stem cell research and regulation

94. Media literacy and critical thinking curriculum

95. Poverty alleviation in rural communities

96. Immigration detention centers' conditions improvement

97. Campaign finance transparency and disclosure

98. Military spending and budget allocation

99. Refugees' resettlement policies

100. Term limits for elected officials

100 more creative ideas

1. Universal basic income funded by carbon tax revenue

2. Nation-wide carbon sequestration program

3. A public health approach to tackle climate change

4. Institute online voting systems for increased voter participation

5. Publicly-funded campaigning to minimize big money influences

6. Volunteering to earn university credits

7. 'Vice President's Day' – a national holiday focused on citizen involvement in government

8. Solar panel installations in all public buildings

9. Equal wage law, addressing wage gaps based on gender, race, and ethnicity

10. Expanding the 'Green New Deal' to include job training for clean energy jobs

11. Develop more federal community land trusts to combat affordable housing crisis

12. Repurpose vacant malls as community education centers

13. "Project Butterfly": nationwide reforestation with emphasis on creating butterfly and bee-friendly habitats

14. Infrastructure project focused on sea-rise resilience

15. Special "Internet for All" broadband initiatives in underprivileged regions

16. Law enforcement retraining programs aimed at reducing unnecessary violence

17. Launch a national initiative to clean up and revitalize polluted rivers and lakes

18. Declare "national dark sky reserves" to preserve our view of the cosmos

19. Establish a national university debt-forgiveness day

20. Nation-wide composting programs for organic waste

21. Introduce legislation to support food donation and reduce food waste

22. Digitization and free availability of all publicly-funded research

23. Nationwide legalization of medicinal cannabis

24. Establish American Cultural Heritage Sites to celebrate diversity

25. Reinstate CCC to tackle climate change, promote outdoor work and youth development

26. Incentives for businesses to shift to a four-day workweek

27. Reimagine the prison system, focusing on rehabilitation rather than punishment

28. Grants for entrepreneurs from underprivileged communities

29. Found a "digital democracy forum" to enhance public policy discussions

30. Appoint a 'Secretary of Future', dedicated to foreseeing and preparing for future issues

31. Countrywide festivals celebrating indigenous cultures and traditions

32. Create a federal disaster fund for communities affected by natural disasters

33. Encourage rural revitalization projects, supporting small town economies

34. Federal paid family leave policy for new parents

35. Conversion of retired military bases into homeless shelters or low-cost housing

36. A year of mandatory national service for high school graduates

37. Student loan pay-off plans for public service careers

38. Sponsor the creation of America’s first lunar colony

39. Annual 'Citizen's Ideas Day' for grassroots legislative initiatives

40. Youth Cabinet positions for teenagers to give perspective on policies

41. A commitment to 100% renewable energy by 2050

42. Upgrade all public transport to electric

43. Tax breaks for companies implementing progressive environmental policies

44. Right to Repair laws for electronics to combat planned obsolescence

45. Universal childcare for working parents

46. Establish urban farms in all major cities to reduce food deserts

47. Develop and fund comprehensive mental health services

48. Create National Technology Training Programs to future-proof workforce

49. Single-payer healthcare with integrated preventative care emphasis

50. Upgrade all public schools to be net-zero energy

51. Implement restorative justice programs in schools

52. Support development of AI technologies to improve education and healthcare

53. Increase support for after-school arts and science programs

54. Provide funding for the conversion of traditional farms to vertical farming

55. Enforce internet privacy laws and combat cybercrime

56. Invest in “green highways” with charging stations for electric vehicles

57. Emphasize career and vocational education in high schools

58. Policy mandating that large corporations share profits with employees

59. “Infrastructure month”, focusing on community infrastructure projects

60. Support telecommuting through federal subsidies

61. Create wellness centers in public parks for mental health support

62. Mandate green roofs on all new commercial building projects

63. Commit to zero-waste by a certain date

64. National free fitness program to tackle obesity and lifestyle-related diseases

65. Found the "National Office of Net Positivity" to promote positive online behavior

66. Re-train coal workers for renewable energy jobs

67. Use retired shipping containers for affordable housing projects

68. Free higher education for fields in high demand (like STEM)

69. Public campaign against single-use plastic

70. More diversity and gender representation in the administration

71. Lowering voting age to 16 for local and state elections

72. National open data policy for increased transparency

73. Develop science-driven approaches to opioid crisis

74. Launch an inclusive arts program celebrating American multiculturalism

75. Back innovative forms of transport like hyperloops and eVTOLs

76. Remove the electoral college and implement direct voting

77. Appoint an 'Arts Czar' to oversee arts funding and representation

78. Climate adaptation funds for at-risk communities

79. Nationwide tiny home initiative to solve affordable housing problem

80. Prohibit automated phone systems in customer service to create jobs

81. Local police departments' quotas to match community demographics

82. Rehabilitate abandoned railway lines as greenway trails

83. Job placement and training for ex-convicts

84. Solar panels and/or wind turbines on all new construction

85. Streamlining adoption process and expanding foster care benefits

86. More holidays celebrating other cultures (e.g. Lunar New Year)

87. Presidential award for "Most Eco-friendly Town"

88. Aggressive financial penalties for data privacy breaches

89. Crowdsource ideas for federal research initiatives

90. Free community fitness classes to combat obesity

91. Green renovation grants for homeowners and businesses

92. First national virtual reality library system

93. Universal voting by mail

94. Community initiatives to address the decline in pollinator species

95. Create a 'National Gig Economy Workers' Rights Commission'

96. Enact stringent legislation on hate speech online

97. Limit pharmaceutical price increases

98. Turn shopping centers into affordable housing units

99. Establish a ‘Secretary of Climate’ position in the Cabinet

100. "Revolution Day", an annual remembrance of America’s continual drive for progress and reform.

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