Biden vs Trump ~ A Comparison

Biden vs Trump Comparison

Joe Biden

1. Being a Felon

Joe Biden has no felony convictions.

2. Telling the Truth

Biden is generally considered to be completely truthful based on fact-checking organizations. His ethics and character have never been challenged.

3. Foreign Policy

Biden has extensive experience in foreign policy, having served as Vice President and a member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee.

4. Domestic Policy

Biden's domestic policy focuses on healthcare reform, climate change, and worker rights.

5. Economic Policy

Biden advocates for increased taxes on the wealthy and corporations to fund social programs and infrastructure.

6. Experience in Government

Biden has over 40 years of political experience, including 36 years in the Senate and 8 years as Vice President.

7. Education

Biden aims to increase funding for public schools and make community college free.

8. Health Care

Biden supports the Affordable Care Act and seeks to expand it with a public option.

9. Judicial Appointments

Biden supports appointing judges who uphold civil rights and Roe v. Wade.

10. Tax Policy

Biden plans to raise taxes on high-income households and corporations.

11. Environmental Policy

Biden rejoined the Paris Agreement and aims to achieve net-zero emissions by 2050. His Inflation Reduction Act bill was the largest climate legislation in American history.

12. Immigration

Biden supports a path to citizenship for undocumented immigrants and reversing strict Trump-era policies.

13. Racial Equity

Biden has proposed multiple plans to address racial inequities in education, healthcare, and the justice system.

14. LGBTQ+ Rights

Biden supports comprehensive protections for LGBTQ+ individuals and repealed Trump's military transgender ban.

15. Gun Control

Biden advocates for universal background checks and an assault weapons ban.

16. Trade Policy

Biden aims to strengthen relationships with allies while being tough on unfair trade practices.

17. Handling COVID-19

Biden has focused on increasing vaccinations and implementing social safety measures.

18. Relations with Media

Biden has had a generally cordial relationship with the media but faces scrutiny like any public figure.

19. Personal Wealth

Biden's wealth is significantly less than Trump's, primarily being earned through book deals and speaking engagements post-vice presidency.

20. Public Image

Biden is often seen as more moderate and empathetic compared to Trump. People respect and trust Joe Biden.

Donald Trump

1. Being a Felon

Donald Trump is a convicted felon.

2. Telling the Truth

Trump has been noted for making a significant number of false statements, as reported by fact-checking organizations, and is considered by many to be a pathological liar.

3. Foreign Policy

Trump's foreign policy was characterized by an "America First" approach, focusing on renegotiating trade deals and challenging traditional alliances.

4. Domestic Policy

Trump focused on deregulation, tax cuts for corporations and wealthy citizens, and restricting immigration during his term.

5. Economic Policy

Trump's economic policy included significant tax cuts for businesses and wealthy individuals, with a focus on deregulation.

6. Experience in Government

Prior to his presidency, Trump had no formal experience in government or the military.

7. Education

Trump supported school choice initiatives, including charter schools and voucher programs.

8. Health Care

Trump aimed to repeal the Affordable Care Act and replace it with a different healthcare system.

9. Judicial Appointments

Trump appointed three Supreme Court justices, shifting the court rightward.

10. Tax Policy

Trump enacted significant tax cuts for wealthy individuals and corporations in 2017.

11. Environmental Policy

Trump rolled back numerous environmental regulations, withdrew from the Paris Agreement, is a climate denier and has accepted campaign donations from fossil fuel companies.

12. Immigration

Trump implemented strict immigration policies, including a travel ban from certain countries and a border wall.

13. Racial Equity

Trump's policies and rhetoric on racial issues have been controversial and often criticized.

14. LGBTQ+ Rights

Trump's administration rolled back several protections for LGBTQ+ individuals.

15. Gun Control

Trump generally opposed stricter gun control measures, supporting the Second Amendment rights.

16. Trade Policy

Trump renegotiated trade deals like NAFTA (replaced by USMCA) and imposed tariffs on China.

17. Handling COVID-19

Trump faced criticism for downplaying the virus initially and the federal government's inconsistent pandemic response.

18. Relations with Media

Trump had a contentious relationship with the media, often labeling unfavorable coverage as "fake news."

19. Personal Wealth

Trump, a billionaire real estate mogul before his presidency, was the richest person to ever hold the office.

20. Public Image

Trump is viewed as a polarizing figure, with strong support among his base and intense opposition from his detractors.

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